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1080 drop in the Hunua Ranges

The DOC land in the Hunua Ranges is one of the most convenient places for Auckland, Tauranga and Hamilton residents to get out and do some hunting. While it’s not exactly teeming with life, it’s a good wander through the bush and you might spot an animal worth bagging.

If you were planning on going for a walk through the DOC land or parklands, you might want to hold off on that for a half year or so… The planned 1080 drops have gone ahead and signs are up at the entrance to the track, warning of the dire consequences of touching or eating anything that’s got in touch with this stuff.

Local landowners gave us a ‘friendly’ warning not to go further into the bush. And fair enough, they’ve got a lot to worry about. They’ve got their dogs, water run off onto their land, and all sorts.

Anyway, off for a hunt or a walk? You’re going to have to look a bit further afield. The Kaimais are looking good about now…

Warnings to protect your pets and yourself abound...
Warnings to protect your pets and yourself abound…